Heal my Swing Truly Believes that your body is the most powerful and effective piece of equipment you can use on the golf course. The more knowledge and understanding you have of this tool, the more effectively you can use it and improve upon it.
The golf swing is one of the most dynamic, explosive and complex movements in all of sports. The golfers body produces and absorbs some of the highest forces seen in the athletic world.
You can watch This well known golfer show an example of this explosive movement:
Because of the dynamic nature of the golf swing, many parts of the body need to be stabilized while other parts are moving at high speeds. Golf definitely necessitates speed, strength, and power, but none of these can be effectively achieved without first having sufficient mobility, balance and stability. These last 3 are the building blocks on which the first 3 depend.
Regarding addressing these topics I rely on the Gray Institute to provide me the precise knowledge when it comes to enhancing any of these areas that need improvement.
If your car consistently drifts to the left when you are driving, you immediately suspect the alignment of your car needs a mechanical tune-up. It seems absurd we didn’t think that a golfer who consistently moved in an undesirable direction might need a mechanical tune-up as well.